"How to Start iOS App Development with an Android Background?” 3 years ago

Highlighting yourself in the growing number of mobile app developers is quite challenging.

Highlighting yourself in the growing number of mobile app development is quite challenging. A single slip of the algorithm can lead to the collapse of your entire strategy. However, if you know how to get over blockages, you can get the status you want for your application.

In addition to the general information, you need to know how to proceed in the selected platform. Usually, the vast majority of developers carry their iOS apps on Android at some point.

The opposite route that is, porting from Android to iOS is not so common. Even as a developer, you need to work on expanding your technical skills if you want to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Currently, 2.5 billion devices run on Android, while there are 1.4 billion active iOS devices. Therefore, you can’t hide the fact that you lose a considerable number of prospects by choosing a single platform.

When you switch to iOS from Mobile Android app development, there may be potential barriers. Such as difficulty in implementation, lack of funds, and time.

You may also be stressed during the process, as learning new skills is sometimes overwhelming. But on the good side, this will be great news for your developing career.

It adds authority to your resume and you can capture more customers in the future. Remember; IOS application development is not difficult. Just different.

How to start mobile iOS app development?

We have listed some useful tips for our readers if they are thinking of making the transition. Let’s move on to them:

Learn the language

You can use two languages ​​with iOS, Objective-C or Swift. Although there are other options, these two are the most famous. For Android, you are quite aware of Java. And in iOS, Objective-C is the typical language used.

The alternative language, Swift, is easy to learn and has a similar syntax to Objective-C. This syntax will allow you to pick up speed instantly.

The difference between the languages ​​used in iOS and Android is that of the programming terms. Java uses words like “it expands, implements,” and iOS languages ​​use terms like “delegates, objects, inheritance, subclasses, etc.”

Choose the correct IDE

Once you’ve been in the Android development industry for a long time, you may find it difficult to select an IDE.

You know that Apple’s landscape uses an easy-to-use and fast IDE called XCode. All you have to do is download it from the App Store. There are no other complexities involved.

Pay attention to the user interface

UI design and presentation are different for iOS and Android. Android Studio uses XML files, and Xcode has Storyboards.

These Storyboards help you connect your ViewControllers and coordinate your transitions. You can move and play with the interface components, which is not possible in Android.

With Android, most of the user interface comes by writing over 95% of it on XML sheets. And in the case of Storyboards, there are some irritating concepts, such as Auto Layout, which always end up breaking. Regardless, if you’re good at it, you’ll find it pretty simple.

 For application screens

Select Activity = ViewController.

For the transition between screens

Use startActivity (Intent) = Segue

Segues bring similar functionality to launching activity by intent. The best part is that you can switch between screens without entering a new code. It saves you the hassle and time it takes to design new codes every time.

Understand the functionality of the list

Create a TableViewController or simply TableView to have a similar list function that you used with Android.

Using ListView / RecyclerView = TableView helps you populate each item in the same way as Android adapters.

Android uses lists for RecyclerView, ListFragment, and ListActivity. Meanwhile, iOS is using UITableView and UICollectionView lists. Once you know the differences, you should start learning how each of the lists works.

Consider addiction management

Android is mainly used to manage dependency from Gradle. But in iOS, CocoaPods offer the same functionality. You must add your dependencies to this file. Then it installs and updates those packages on its own.

Things to remember

Try these codes when you think moving forward is tough:

APK = Archive

Interfaces = Archive

Emulator = Simulator

As mentioned above, shifting to iOS is going to be a road to new learning. You have to explore deeper to ensure that the apps you design won’t be a mess.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile iOS app development

It is also quite essential to support the pros and cons of iOS app development. These will allow you to make an informed decision.

The benefits of iOS

There are no various device snippets in iOS. This facilitates the development process, making it stable and reliable.

It has authentic toolkits to ensure application development.

With iOS, the chances of generating revenue are quite high, as users often make in-app purchases and buy more apps.

Interface development takes less time

Against iOS

The process of standardizing applications makes it difficult to maintain a distinct market

Customizing an application is daunting due to restrictions

Only supports fully functional applications

Getting Apple approval takes time

Learn how to build and learn

Android apps are easy to build. You need to select your device, build it, and you’re done. The same goes for iOS, except for one difference. That is, building and running the simulator is faster on iOS than on Android.

However, Google recently introduced the latest version of the emulator, which looks incredible and promising.

On the other hand, iOS has some initial formalities to deal with. You need to set up an Apple account, application delivery profiles, etc. XCode notifies you of errors and fixes them.

Final Takeaway

Before you jump on the iOS train, it’s vital that you understand the full functionality and design strategies that work for it. An impulse switch may perform poorly. Instead of hesitating and looking for an escape, try to find out how the Apple world works.

The learning journey will sometimes be bumpy, but an optimistic outlook will make you move forward. There are, indeed, many similarities between the two platforms. So a few differences in terms and language of programming don’t matter when growth and competitiveness are in jeopardy.

By putting these ideas into practice, I hope you’ll be able to launch your career in iOS app development. Take the time to learn and keep up to date with your knowledge of the new platform. Remember that keeping up with new trends helps you take advantage of your application.

Adlivetech is one of the outstanding application development company, which stays up to date with various innovations and application development techniques.

Our developers have impressive expertise in implementing application iOS development in creating sensational applications for our customers.

We are a reliable choice for various business entities looking for excellent application development services.

Contact our team @ +91-9555-71-4422 here at Adlivetech.

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