How to Get Sitelinks to Appear in Google Search Results to improve the search snippets? 3 years ago

Sitelinks can improve the look of your snippet in Google search results, and that means higher clickthrough rates (CTRs) and more traffic

How to make Sitelinks appear in Google search results

Learn how to get Google site links and improve the look of search snippets.

Sitelinks can improve the look of your

How to make Sitelinks appear in Google search results

Learn how to get Google Sitelinks and improve the look of search snippets.

Sitelinks can improve the look of your snippet in Google search results, and that means higher clickthrough rates (CTRs) and more traffic.

Although you cannot specify Sitelinks directly (they are automated by Google’s algorithm), there are a number of ways to help Google choose the right Sitelinks for your site.

In this post, you’ll learn what Sitelinks are, why they’re important, and how to create Google Sitelinks for your site.

What are Sitelinks?

Sitelinks are links that appear below the description of your snippet in Google Search Results, which point to other pages on your site. Sitelinks are automated by Google algorithms and are only displayed when they are useful to the user.

Google Search Snippet Anatomy

To help you understand how Sitelinks work, let us take a quick look at the different parts that make up a snippet of results.

A Google search snippet consists of the following parts:

  • Title
  • URL
  • Description
  • Site links

For the first three parts, there are ways to control their appearance.

As part of on-page SEO, you can optimize your headlines, make your SEO URLs friendly, and provide better descriptions.

For the last part, you cannot directly select what is displayed as a site link. It’s up to Google to decide whether or not to display site links for a particular search query.

In other words, Google can display site links for a website only for certain queries, if their algorithm finds it useful to users.

Why are site links important? If you can’t directly influence site links, why bother?

When Google decides to show site links with the search snippet, there are a number of benefits.

Increased clickthrough rates (CTR)

Sitelinks increase your entry space in search results, which means more visibility and higher CTR values.

The concept is similar to sitelinks that you can add to Google AdWords ad extensions when running PPC campaigns.

By adding sitelinks and other extensions, you increase your ad space and your chances of being seen by users.

Get visits to internal pages, not just the homepage

When sitelinks for your brand name are displayed, users can go directly to your inner pages without having to go to your homepage.

This gives users a better experience and gets traffic to the pages that are most important to your business / website.

Users do not have to enter your site and find their way to your products or sales pages, they can click and go directly from the search results.

It’s a sign of Google’s confidence

Google does not display sitelinks for all websites. The fact that they may decide to display sitelinks when users search for your domain name or certain queries is a sign of trust.

This is good for SEO and also the reputation of your business on the Internet.

Sitelinks improve brand awareness

When users search for your brand name on Google and see a list of sitelinks, they can immediately learn more about your business, products, and services without having to search for this information on your site.

For example, when you search for our brand name, you can see at a glance that in addition to digital marketing services.

This is information that most people would not know otherwise unless they have visited one of the inner pages of our site.

How do I create Google Sitelinks for your site?

I mentioned several times above that you can’t directly specify which pages Google should use as sitelinks. They are automatically chosen by Google’s algorithm based on the user’s query.

However, there are a number of things you can do to help Google understand the structure and content of your site, and this in turn increases your chances of getting sitelinks in search results.

  • Make sure you can qualify for your brand name
  • Create a simple and easy-to-understand site structure
  • Link important pages on your homepage
  • Define appropriate headlines and descriptions for site link candidate pages
  • Use internal links to help Google identify your important pages
  • Add candidate site link pages to your sidebar
  • Add a table of contents for long-form posts with links on the page
  • Optimize your site for technical and on-page SEO

Make sure you can qualify for your brand name

In most cases, this is easy to do. When you search for your brand name on Google, it should normally appear above the results.

Create a simple and easy-to-understand site structure

The structure of the site is perhaps the most important factor when it comes to site links. You need to give Google and your users a simple, easy-to-follow site structure.

The way search engines work is that during the process of crawling and indexing, they will visit your homepage and then follow any links they find in your menu, the XML sitemap. and content to discover more pages on your site.

In many cases, Google will create site links from your menu items, so you need to make sure that:

Your site has a 3-level hierarchical site structure.

Your site menu reproduces the structure of the site. Don’t give users a different menu than your structure. These two need to be synchronized for best results.

The most important pages of your site (and the pages you want to display as site links) are included in your main menu.

Link important pages on your homepage

In addition to adding site link candidate pages to your menu, you should also add text links to them from your homepage.

For example, if you visit our homepage, you’ll notice that we have links to all of our service pages.

The links should not be wrapped in images but should be in text, otherwise, Google will not understand them.

Also, make sure that you use the appropriate anchor text for links. For example, if you want to sign in to the Services page on your homepage, use the word “Services” or “Digital Marketing Services” and nothing else.

Define appropriate headlines and descriptions for site link candidate pages

In addition to using the appropriate anchor text when linking to key pages, it’s also important to use the correct page titles and meta descriptions on those pages.

For example, if you want the ABOUT US page to appear as a site link in Google, make sure the page title is the ABOUT US and nothing else and has a good meta description.

Optimize your site for technical and on-page SEO

It goes without saying that in order for Google to trust your site and give you more space in search results, your site needs to be high quality.

This means that you need to work on technical SEO and on-page SEO and make sure everything is optimized as it should be.

Google will not display site links for websites that have low-quality content or engage in any kind of spam behavior.


Sitelinks can dramatically improve the look of your snippet in Google search results. This translates into more clicks and traffic to your website.

Although you can’t specify which pages you want to appear as sitelinks, there are a number of techniques you can follow to help Google make the right choices.

If you follow sound SEO practices (such as the ones explained above), then it’s almost guaranteed that Google will show site links for searches related to your brand name, and if you get the right SEO for your posts and pages, you may get site inks for individual posts as well.

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