How to build your social media marketing strategy for 2022? 3 years ago

Want to improve your social media marketing strategy for 2022?

Good! Now is the time to do it.

In a landscape of more competition, content, and networking than ever before, a concise strategy gives you the concentration you need to say “no” to efforts that don’t serve your goals.

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive guide to creating a social media marketing plan from scratch.

Whether you’re new to social media or want to review your priorities again in 2022, this guide covers you.

  • Set goals that make sense for your business
  • Take the time to research your target audience
  • Set your most important KPIs
  • Create (and organize) engaging social content
  • Make your social presence as appropriate as possible
  1. Set goals that make sense for your business

Let’s start with a quick question:

“Anyway, what do you want from social media?”

Planning your social media strategy starts with your goals.

According to the 2021 Sprout Social Index ™, the most common social goals are to increase brand awareness (58%) and increase community engagement (41%). Whether you want to build more followers or a more active community, taking the time to define your social goals is the first step to achieving them.

Examples of social networking goals for 2022 and beyond

What really matters is that you set realistic goals on social media.

By the way, focus on “realistic”. We recommend that you address smaller goals that allow you to expand your social efforts in a reasonable and accessible way.

Below are some examples of goals that companies of all shapes and sizes can pursue.

Increase brand awareness. That means getting your name out there. To create a genuine and lasting brand awareness, avoid posting exclusive promotional messages. Instead, focus on content that emphasizes your personality and values.

Generate leads and sales. Whether online, in-store or directly through your social media profiles, followers don’t accidentally shop. For example, do you want to alert customers to new products and promotions? Do you integrate your product catalog into your social media profiles? Do you run exclusive offers for followers?

Increase your brand’s audience. Bringing in new followers means finding ways to show your brand to people who haven’t heard of you before

Get traffic to your site Easy enough. If you’re focused on generating leads or traffic to your website, social media can do just that. Whether it’s through promotional posts or social ads, tracking conversions and clicks on URLs can help you better determine your return on investment on social media.

  1. Take the time to research your target audience

Making assumptions is bad news for marketers.

Only 55% of marketers use social media to better understand their target audience, making it a huge opportunity for both leaders and practitioners. Much of what you need to know about your audience to influence your social media marketing strategy is already available. You just have to know where to look.

With the right tool, marketers can quickly research their audience. No official market research or data science is required.

Remember: different platforms attract different audiences

Take, for example, demographics on social media today. These numbers speak directly to which networks your brand should address and what types of content to publish. Here are some key findings for your 2022 social media marketing strategy:

Facebook and YouTube are both top ad sites, in part because of their high-income user base.

The top social networks among Millennials and Generation Z are Instagram and YouTube, signaling the power of bold, spectacular content that is full of personality.

Women far outnumber men on Pinterest, which is said to boast the highest average order value for social media shoppers.

LinkedIn’s user base is well-educated, making it an industry-specific in-depth content center that could be more niche than what you see on Facebook or Twitter.

  1. set your most important values ​​and KPIs

No matter what your goals or industry, your social media strategy should be data-driven.

That means focusing on the values ​​of social media that matter. Instead of focusing on vanity values, look for data that aligns directly with your goals.

What values ​​are we talking about? See the breakdown below:

Reach. Post coverage is the number of unique users who saw your post. How much of your content actually reaches user feeds?

Clicks. This is the number of clicks on your content or account. Tracking campaign clicks is essential to understanding what drives curiosity or encourages people to buy.

Engagement. The total number of social interactions is divided by the number of impressions. This highlights how well the audience perceives you and their desire to interact.

Hashtag performance. What were your most used hashtags? Which hashtags were most associated with your brand? Having these answers can help shape the focus of your content in the future.

Organic and Paid Likes: Beyond a standard number of Likes, these interactions are attributed to paid or organic content. Given how difficult it is to earn organic involvement, many brands resort to advertising. Knowing these differences can help you budget both your advertising spend and the time you invest in different formats.

Feeling. Is this a measure of how users react to your content, brand, or hashtag? Did customers find your recent campaign offensive? What kind of feeling do people associate with the hashtag of your campaign? It’s always better to do more research and find out how people talk or feel about your brand

  1. Create (and organize) engaging social content

No surprises here. Your social media marketing strategy depends on your content.

At this point, you should have a pretty good idea of ​​what to publish based on your goals, audience, and brand identity. You probably feel confident in what networks to cover.

But what about your content strategy? Below are some ideas and inspiration that can help you.

The importance of respecting content themes

Chances are you’ve seen a post from a certain brand that feels like, well, theirs.

The ironic, casual tone that makes Discord’s Twitter presence loved by both casual users and moderators is a great example.

From graphics to Reels and beyond, many brands rely on the same content formats and creative touches. These topics can help you become more consistent and focus on a meaningful content strategy.

For example, you can switch between memes, product photos, and user-generated content while sticking to a defined color scheme. If you’re struggling to keep up with all these sources of social content, consider social media management tools that help you organize your media library and schedule your posts in advance.

Content ideas for social media marketing in 2022

To help you narrow down what you should post and make sure you’re developing innovative content, here are some social media trends to keep in mind.

Timely sensitive stories and posts

Stories don’t go anywhere. By reaching the FOMO (fear of losing a part) of your followers, the storytelling content is both interactive and not to be missed. By appearing first in your followers’ feeds by default, this content can help your brand account “sun tail” and stay fresh in your audience’s mind.

Stories are especially valuable for taking your followers behind the scenes and making your social feed more personal. For example, think about how you can use Stories to cover an event or to take your followers on a journey without them having to leave the comfort of the “gram.”

Short video

Fifty-four percent of marketers say that video is the most valuable type of content to achieve social goals and for good reason. Social video is booming, especially with the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels. Both long and short productions continue to dominate the social space on all platforms due to their high rate of involvement.

  1. Make your social presence as appropriate as possible

The news is, without a doubt, more important than ever for marketers.

Not only do you need to publish fresh content on a regular basis, but you must always be “activated” for your followers.

But you can’t always expect customers to operate your watch. Promptness is a difficult task when you don’t need resources or are part of a small team.

Let’s take a look at some ideas to maximize your schedule and time spent on social media.

Post in the best moments to get involved

Quick question: When is your brand available to interact and interact with customers?

You might see recommended hours for posting late in the evening, for example. But if your team isn’t there to communicate, what’s the point of posting at your “favorite” time?

Instead, try to make sure that social networks or community managers are available and ready to answer any questions or concerns about your product when you post to Tweet. Take the time to review the best times to post on social media. However, it is just as important to get involved after posting.

And that brings us to our next point.

Answer your customers’ questions and screams as soon as possible

Your customers want quick answers. In fact, 47% believe that strong customer service defines the best brand in the class on social media.

Your brand cannot forget these basic elements of community building. Efforts are needed to ensure that conversations or opportunities for involvement are not left unattended.

On social networks, you gain respect as a brand by being present and talking to your audience. That’s why customer support is so important for brands that want to raise public awareness – word is spread fast about great service.

Whether it’s capitalizing on a compliment or answering a question, companies shouldn’t leave customers waiting. According to our research, social media is the # 1 preferred channel for consumers to share feedback and contact a service issue or question. But did you know that most users believe that brands should respond to social media messages within four hours?

Designating teams for specific response tasks can help your staff function as a well-oiled social media team, whether you’re a group of one or 100.

As social algorithms evolve, organic content is finding it increasingly difficult to reach the majority of your audience. The last thing you want to do is ignore those who get involved and lose by sending more to your marketing channel.

Is your social media marketing strategy resolved for 2022?

This guide points out that there are a lot of pieces moving towards a modern social presence.

That being said, gathering yours should not be an obstacle.

If you set actionable goals and approach each of the above steps, you’ll be well ahead of the curve when it comes to your social media marketing strategy.

Contact our team For More information @ +91-9555-71-4422 here at Adlivetech.

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