“How to rank on page 1 of Google FAST in-depth case study” 4 years ago

You see one of my favorite SEO strategies Improve Google Ranking in action.


The Guestographic Method:

An SEO strategy that pays off

Guestographics works for a simple reason:

Your content MUCH easier to share.

The Guestographic Method increased Google ranking and organic traffic by more than 155%:

With that out of the way, it’s time for me to walk you through the process step by

Step 1: Create and Publish an Infographic content

Here’s the deal:

Despite what most “content marketing gurus” would have you believe, design plays a VERY small role in the success of an infographic.

Choosing the right theme is 90% of the game.

But not just any information…

… Demand “visual content”.

First, spend a day researching content for the infographic.

Looks good, right?

As you probably know, posting something valuable is not enough to generate quality backlinks and targeted traffic.

If you’re serious about getting results from your content, you need to promote it strategically.

This brings us to step 2…

Step 2: find an interested audience in your infographic

Once your infographic is ready, it’s time to make a list of people who might want to see it.

The easiest way to do it? Look for keywords that describe the topic of your infographic.

Let’s say you just published an infographic on the Paleo diet.

I’d google keywords like “Paleo Diet”, “Paleo Diet Recipes”, “What is the Paleo Diet?” etc.

And Google will show you a list that tends to cover that blog topic:

You can even use Google Suggest to get even more keyword ideas:

Here’s how Perrin found his Guestographic insights:

As I just described, Perrin Googled using keywords like “pets and health.”

But it didn’t stop there…

He also searched for keywords like “top 50 dog blogs.”

These “best of” keywords connected Perrin to carefully curated lists from popular pet blogs:

Once you’ve found a quality blog in your niche, here’s what to do next:

 Step 3: see if they are interested in your infographic

Most people pitch bloggers the completely WRONG way.

Instead of measuring interest with a sensible message, they go straight to the tough sale.

You have probably received some of these annoying emails yourself.

Have you ever responded to any of them?

I do not believe it

That’s why you want to start the graphical guest outreach process with a quick email.

A quick email that simply asks if they want to see your infographic.

Here is a tested script you can use:

Subject: [Your topic] Infographic

-Hello, [name]:

I was looking for information on [Your Topic] this morning and I came across your article: “[Article Title]”.

Good material! I especially liked how you [Something they said in the article].

I just put together an infographic on [Your topic].

Let me know if you want to see it.


[Your name]

And here is the exact contact email that Perrin sent:

Just ask if they would like to see the infographic … which is easy to sell.

In other words, you don’t want to link to anything in your first email.

Why not?

When someone sees a link in an email from someone they don’t know, they think, “This person must want something.”

And they hit the delete button.

But when you send an email that simply asks if they want to see your content, it is usually greeted with open arms.

It is time for step 4.

Step 4: Make Sharing Your Infographic content

When you want another site to link to you, you have one thing to remember:

The more barriers you remove, the more successful you will be.

(This applies to everything marketing related … not just email reach)

Well, what is the ONLY thing that is stopping people from sharing an infographic?

The fact that to write a unique introduction to go along with it!

Well, the Guestographics is that you remove that barrier.


Writing that introduction for them.

This is the template I use:

Here you go, [Name]

Let me know if you ever want to share the infographic on your site. I will be happy to write an introduction to go along with it?


[Your name]

Step 5: Add a link to your introduction section

This is important:

The unique introduction doesn’t just make sharing your infographic easier.

It also makes your link MUCH more powerful.


Most infographic content gets backlinks, which appear when someone shares your infographic using an embed code, like this

Graphic guest links are surrounded by unique content in the introduction.

Links in the introduction increase your referral traffic and are better for SEO.

Now is your turn

How to Rank on Page 1 of Google FAST In-Depth Case Study: Conclusion

I really hope you enjoyed my How to Rank on page 1 of the Google FAST in-depth case study.

Now I would like to suggestions from you:

Which technique are you going to try first?

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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