Email marketing strategy and tips for successful campaigns in 2021 3 years ago

Email marketing strategy and tips for successful campaigns in 2021 What is email marketing and where did it start? The first e-mail, sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971 or 1978, depending on your source, marked the beginning of the era of modern communication. The message was nothing special, a series of numbers and letters that looked more like a password than a message, but its meaning was profound

What is email marketing and where did it start?

The first e-mail, sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971 or 1978, depending on your source, marked the beginning of the era of modern communication. The message was nothing special, a series of numbers and letters that looked more like a password than a message, but its meaning was profound.

The e-mail was sent from one computer to another, traveling through a network of cars similar to the Internet we know today. Tomlinson also introduced the “@” symbol in email addresses around the world.

Gary Thuerk, a marketing manager at Digital Equipment Corp., sent the first commercial e-mail years later, where the message reached a list of e-mail addresses. And voila, e-mail marketing was born. There were only a few hundred people on the list, but that was enough for Thuerk to claim the “Father of Spam” cloak.

Today, we are inundated with email marketing campaigns, and, yes, some of them still feel spam, but there is no denying the impact that a well-crafted message can have on your customers, not to mention CRM. and lead nurturing.

Email marketing helps you connect with your audience to promote your brand and increase sales. You can do a lot of things with emails, such as selling products, sharing some news, improving your trash dropout rate, or telling a story.

Does email marketing work?

When you want to communicate something about your brand or sell your stuff, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to do this.

In fact, a 2015 DMA study found that for every dollar spent, email has an average return on investment (ROI) of $ 38. When shoppers are ready to buy something, they often look for emails from their favorite stores.

However, people receive more and more emails all the time and it can be difficult to stand out in full mailboxes. That’s why Mailchimp gives you the tools you need to shine (in addition, we have a lot of tried and true tips on sending great emails) and to develop effective email marketing campaigns. Check out our industry-specific email marketing statistics for more on why email marketing works.

How do I get an email list?

You’ll see the highest ROI when you build and maintain a list of subscribers involved, consisting of people who want to receive your messages (and who have intentionally signed up). Although building a clean list may require more work from the beginning of your email marketing strategy, Mailchimp lists have built-in tools that will help you along the way.

There are plenty of ways to find people who will look forward to receiving your emails, but we’ve put together a few that work best

To create an email list:

Create a sign-up form on your site. When people come to your site for the first time and like what they see, they will want a way to stay up to date with your brand. Create a newsletter subscription form and install a pop-up window to collect customer data from your visitors.

Use a good old-fashioned registration sheet. Whether it’s at your brick or mortar store, or at an event you’re hosting or attending, when you’re surrounded by people who like what you’re doing, give them a place to sign up and find out more. Many.

Lead registrations through social media. If you don’t have a substantial email list (or just want to see it grow), but you have followers involved on social media, go to that resource. Distribute the registration form on your social channels

To add more subscribers to an existing list:

Organize a contest or offer a discount. We are big fans of giving people an incentive to sign up for your email list and we know the contests work. Try offering a prize for a lucky new subscriber or a discount code for your first purchase.

Make your emails easy to share. When you create beautiful and compelling emails with lots of valuable information, people will want to share them. Landing pages provide another way to increase your email list. Using the best images and content, landing pages give people a clear call to action and generate email recordings much higher.

Can I buy an email list?

Not. You shouldn’t buy an email list (and if you use Mailchimp, you can’t use an email list that you purchased).

Purchased lists are ineffective and affect everyone else who uses Mailchimp. If you send emails to a list of people whose contact information you have purchased, many of the emails will be identified as spam and you will also get high unsubscribe rates. Some email spam filters will signal an email campaign if someone with the same IP has sent spam in the past.

When you use Mailchimp, your email is delivered through our servers, so if someone sends spam, it could prevent other users’ emails from reaching your inbox. But by banning Mailchimp users from using purchased lists, we increase delivery capacity for everyone.

That’s why we work carefully to keep our referral reputation intact, and it’s important that all users adhere to our Terms of Use, which enforce anti-spam laws. There are 3 main rules you should follow to comply with our Terms of Use.

Do not use third-party lists. These include mailing lists purchased or rented and lists extracted from third parties, including public websites.

Get permission. Everyone on your list should have signed up to receive emails from you, and their permission should be expressed and verifiable. If you use one of our registration form options, we follow this permission for you.

Include an unsubscribe link. Federal anti-spam laws require you to give people a way to unsubscribe from your list in every campaign you submit. Please use our unsubscribe link

I’m ready for email marketing, but what platform should I use?

Whether you’re starting your first email marketing campaign or an experienced professional, Mailchimp has the tools and support you need. With a wide range of features that do everything from marketing automation to tracking tools to email optimization through split testing, we’ve got you covered from start to finish

OK, but how much does it cost?

When you create a Mailchimp account, you have the option to select a free or paid plan. This option allows you to experiment with our easy-to-use tools and discover how to make the most of our all-in-one marketing platform. So, if you are just starting out, you can learn to market smarter so that you can grow faster. You can stay in the plan for free as long as you have 2,000 or fewer contacts in your audience.

As your audience continues to grow, our pricing plans also expand in addition to your needs, for advanced business needs, we also offer a Premium Plan.

Email Marketing Tips To Get Started

  1. Create an email marketing plan.

To make the planning part easier, we’ve highlighted some of the best practices you need to consider when designing an email marketing strategy.

Define your audience

Whatever you sell, you need to have a clear idea of ​​who your audience is in order to communicate effectively with them. Mailchimp allows you to go a little deeper to segment users into your audience, so you can send them personalized, targeted emails that help increase engagement, build trust, and build return on investment.

  1. Design your emails

Design tips

When designing email campaigns, focus on your message and keep your design simple. We suggest placing all the elements of your campaign in a hierarchy, placing the most important information or main conclusions at the top, so that people can quickly scan your email if they don’t have time.

  1. Test your emails

Test in different email clients and ISPs

All email clients are created differently, which means that the campaign you created in Mailchimp might look slightly different in your subscribers’ inboxes. Be sure to check your emails on your mobile devices, as they may look different on responsive models.

  1. What you can do with marketing automation

Unlike regular campaigns, automation is a targeted email or a series of emails that you can set and forget. From a series of welcome emails to follow-up emails after purchase to rewarding customers with a special incentive, automation helps you streamline your communication with customers so you have more time to focus on content creation and increasing return on investment (ROI). In addition, you can design, send, and track order notifications to inform customers of purchases they have made from your store.

  1. Measure your performance

The marketing analytics data collected in Mailchimp reports will help you improve your marketing strategy in the future.

It opens and clicks

These are the most obvious statistics for measuring campaign engagement, as they indicate how well the topic and content of the campaign resonate with a particular list. But it’s important to consider how your open and click rates compare to other companies in your industry, otherwise, you’re looking at vacuum statistics.

E-commerce data

If you’ve connected your store to Mailchimp and enabled e-commerce link tracking for your campaigns, you can see your subscribers’ purchase data in your campaign reports, subscriber profiles, and account dashboard.

Website traffic

The campaigns you submit can help you drive more traffic to your website or online store. And there are a few integrations that you can sync with Mailchimp, so you can track any trends in site traffic or e-commerce activity after you submit a campaign.

For More Details

Contact us:

Phone No: +91 7217866339

WhatsApp No: +91 9555714422


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